The Exegesis of Phillip K Dick

Book Design of a limited selection of The Exegesis of Phillip K Dick


Book Design, Print, Typography

Exegesis of PKD Dust Jacket (Flat View)

Large body text typesetting and book layout design of a select excerpt of The Exegesis of Phillip K Dick to reflect the aesthetics and theme of the book through the use of color, type, graphics, and scale.

Since the main theme of the novel was about the spiritual awakening of the author which was brought by a bright pink light that contained all of the information of the world in code a sort of code, those were the elements highlighted in the design of the book. The use of the pink and magenta was used on all of the smaller details and hand-drawn elements are shown in that color; large monospaced, futuristic type for the folder (chapter) starters; a small, airy, and even precise body text.

Ana Ximena Benitez  |  Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK |  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022.
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Ana Ximena Benitez  |  Kansas City, MO & Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK |  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022.