What’s Your Type

Product Design of typographic reference guide to help identify most common serif and sans serif typefaces and their everyday uses


Product Design, Branding/Identity, Print, Packaging

This project was the development of a hand-held, compact, and easy to carry reference guide to help young designers or type enthusiasts how to identify some of the most well known and well designed typefaces in both the serif and sans serif categories and their uses.

It was developed to give you so that it would contain four distinct smaller handheld booklets: serif, sans serif, examples of type in use, and alphabets. The two main sections –serif and sans serif –each contain up to 25 separate typefaces that give you a look at two letterforms (uppercase and lowercase), the history of the typeface, as well as a guided scale of the typefaces at different font sizes. The transparency overlay was dedicated to show the specific characteristics of typeface, so you can start to learn and identify it.

Ana Ximena Benitez  |  Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK |  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022.
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Ana Ximena Benitez  |  Kansas City, MO & Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK |  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2022.